Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Direct Child Sponsorship Works

Direct child sponsorship has been around for a few decades now, but the effects of such programs have not been held to scrutiny... until now.

This paper provides a very elegant econometric analysis that such programs can have a positive effect on a child's future. Children who were sponsored under the organization the authors investigate completed more than one year of schooling on average and were much more likely to enter university and take up a white-collar job. It is a very well-written paper which I recommend anyone who has ever helped, or thought about helping, young children in need.

It is worth mentioning that Leboy's case is not a perfect match for this paper. First, any efforts to support Leboy are not channeled via any organization. It all comes from the people who are invested in his future: his family, his school, us... Second, Leboy isn't going to just any school. St Thomas is one of the top schools in Northern Tanzania with excellent teachers and resources. While this does not necessarily translate into future success, Leboy is in a much more privileged position than the children sampled in the paper to "make it" and pursue his dreams.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Leboy and Friend

Picture of Leboy (left) and his friend. Sent by Laizer. Looking healthy!