Sunday, August 29, 2010

A weekend with Leboy part 3.

Saturday was a long day. We woke up early and had some breakfast while we watched another Bruce Lee movie. Then we did some school work, and Leboy wrote a letter to all of us.

Then we went to the road and got on a Matatu towards town. We made an improvised stop and got some ice cream, which quickly became Leboy's new favourite food. Returning to the plan, we went to a stationer and bought a lot of school supplies for the Laibon's school in Esilalei. The funds come through the generosity of Vincent Chai.

(Note: Throughout the day Leboy would keep asking what we were going to do next. I would then simply look at him till his face lit up, at which point he would fish out the plan we made on Friday, read it, and stuff it back in his pocket)

We bought a cool new school bag for Leboy, and stopped for some Nyama Choma for lunch. Seeing as how they didn't have pizza nor ice cream, Leboy settled for chips.

We stopped quickly at a clothing store and bought ourselves a pair of swimsuits and went over to the Impala Hotel for an afternoon dip.

This was Leboy's first swim ever, and he was very brave about it. At first he clung on to me really tightly, but bit by bit he loosened up, and we learned how to kick in the water, and how to move around the edge of the pool. He was even brave enough to jump into the water, ready for me to catch him!

We walked over back home, making a stop to buy some ground nuts. The nuts man kept speaking to Leboy, who was decked out in a Michigan sweater and a baseball hat, in English. As we left the stand Leboy pulled at my sleeve and said to me: "Did you see that? He thought I was a black American!"

Back at home, we played a bit of soccer till we got hungry again, and walked over to Masai Camp with Emma. We had some more pizzas and fantas, and fell asleep watching Bruce Lee.

What a long day!

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