Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Cookiegrams

I would like to take the time to thank the employees of Rakuten who so graciously participated in the Halloween Cookiegram event to raise funds for Leboy's education. Over 120 cookies were sold, meaning that just over 36000 Japanese yen were raised. That's enough to cover an entire term of fees including tuition, room & board, and all the materials Leboy needs for his classes. Asante sana! Arigatou gozaimashita!

Look out for the Christmas edition of these cookies!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Standard 4 Term 2

The second term of Standard 4 is over and the report is in! He once again got As in all his classes except for Vocational Skills and French, so we know for sure they haven't switched him with another Masai boy. He's dropped one rank down to 4th, but I'm told he's still fighting to become number 1. You can do it, Leboy!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A visit to Tarangire

During term 1 Leboy and the standard 4 class went to Tarangire National Park on a field trip. Although I don't know much about the trip himself, I did receive some pictures of it.

Time has passed, and kids grow up fast. In the first picture, just FYI, Leboy is the one standing on the left. Look how much he's grown! Too serious, though... In the second picture you can clearly recognize Leboy in front of the teacher with that familiar smile. Great to know you had fun, Leboy!

Happy Birthday Leboy!

I had the chance to exchange some correspondence with Leboy's father the other day, and he sent me some pictures of Leboy's birthday party in school.

If you've been reading this blog for a while you'll notice a slight discrepancy. For a year or two I have been living under the illusion that his birthday was in August. According to Laizer, though, that is not the case. Leboy's birthday is actually on the 20th of June!

More: If you look closely at the cake you'll see the candles make the number 11. This is again a subject of debate that is almost as old as Leboy himself. When I first met Leboy he maintained he was 7 but all his friends tried to haggle him down to 6. I was quietly of the six-team myself. Still, looks as though Leboy got his own way in the end. I hear he had a great time celebrating it with his colleagues. Happy (belated) birthday, Leboy!

Great start to standard 4

The fourth grade was a very important year for me. It was my first year in London, and the international experience I was exposed to is probably the reason behind me even meeting Leboy in the first place.

Meanwhile, Leboy has started his own 4th grade experience with the same impetus with which he finished.
This time he clawed his way up one more position, ranking third. As usual, vocational skills and French seem to not be his forte, but he really is excelling at everything else. As always, with great pride, I encourage Leboy to continue working hard for that number 1 position. Let's go Leboy!