Saturday, September 26, 2015

Leboy in Hong Kong

It had been years since I had last seen Leboy in person. For a long time I had been thinking of the best way to see him again and from an early stage it seemed clear that Leboy should be the one traveling. If done well, it would be a good learning experience for him that could help shape his future. Earlier this year I received donations from folks all over the world, which was almost enough to buy a round trip ticket to visit me in Hong Kong at the end of September, right after his Standard 7 examinations. A 2 week-long graduation trip.
The three or four days before his arrival were really tough. Suffice it to say that a lot of the things that could go wrong, did. To give you a hair-rising example: The Kenya Airways person who was supposed to help Leboy make the transfer in Nairobi never showed up, so the 14 year-old Masai, who had never been on a plane before, took it upon himself to find his next flight. For all the other adversities that threatened the success of this operation, a very large number of people contributed their resources, time, and money, in order to overcome them. Some of these people I don't know personally. Some of these people I probably don't even know about. But, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for what you have done for Leboy. I hope you especially will enjoy the following series of posts of Leboy's first big adventure.

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