Monday, September 28, 2015

(Sea) Lions, Sharks, and Bears, Oh My!

Two full days in Hong Kong and oh my the things we have covered already! By far the biggest hit has been the beach, matched only by the pizza we ate upon Leboy's arrival. Today we spent the day in Ocean Park, discovering new animals from sharks to pandas, from koalas to sea lions. Today's favorite, though, was the Mine Train rollercoaster!
Taking the ding-ding
The favorite activity thus far
Rockin' some Hong Kong threads!
Mastering the art of using chopsticks in a snap
Breakfast time!
Breakfast with friends from all over the world!
At the aquarium
Learning about different sea creatures
Watch out for sharks!
Getting ready for Halloween in Ocean Park

Leboy meets the panda
Red Panda
The old Hong Kong taxi...
And the very modern cable car!

At the fair in Ocean Park. You win some, you lose thirty or fifty :(

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